

Instructions on how to compile/use the command line tools and libraries to create/query HDT files programmatically are available at the Development Page. The latest and experimental versions of the software can always be found at their respective GitHub repositories:


You will probably want to browse some Datasets in HDT format.

GUI tool

Here you can download the HDT-it! GUI tool to generate and browse HDT files for several platforms:

You can get an overview on how to use the tool by watching this screencast:

Should you have any suggestions please let us know! We look forward to your feedback to improve our tool to fulfill your needs.


If you use our tools in your research, please acknowledge them by quoting the following papers:

author = {Javier D. Fernández and Miguel A. Martínez-Prieto and Claudio Gutiérrez and Axel Polleres and Mario Arias},
title = {Binary RDF Representation for Publication and Exchange (HDT)},
url = {},
journal={Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web},

author = {Miguel A. Martínez-Prieto and Mario Arias and Javier D. Fernández},
title = {Exchange and Consumption of Huge RDF Data},
year = {2012},
booktitle={The Semantic Web: Research and Applications},
pages = {437-452},